Here's a multiple-choice test based on the teaching about bravery:

Question 1: (1 point) What is the essence of bravery?

A. Elimination of fear
B. Triumph over fear
C. Avoidance of challenges
D. Acceptance of weakness

Question 2: (1 point) How would you define bravery?

A. Absence of challenges
B. Confronting fear with courage
C. Avoiding uncertainty
D. Ignoring weaknesses

Question 3: (1 point) According to the teaching, what is fear?

A. A weakness to be hidden
B. A natural response to challenges
C. An absence of courage
D. A source of paralysis

Question 4: (1 point) Which type of bravery involves facing physical threats or challenges?

A. Emotional bravery
B. Moral bravery
C. Physical bravery
D. Intellectual bravery

Question 5: (1 point) What is one way to cultivate bravery mentioned in the teaching?

A. Ignoring failures
B. Avoiding self-awareness
C. Setting small goals
D. Denying the existence of fear

Question 6: (1 point) What is the role of mindfulness in cultivating bravery?

A. Eliminating fear
B. Managing overwhelming emotions
C. Avoiding challenges
D. Ignoring failures

Question 7: (1 point) Which historical figure is mentioned in the teaching as an example of bravery?

A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Cleopatra
D. Winston Churchill

Question 8: (1 point) What does bravery in the face of adversity involve?

A. The absence of challenges
B. Acknowledging fear and acting with courage
C. Ignoring difficulties
D. Avoiding uncertainty

Question 9: (1 point) What does emotional bravery entail?

A. Confronting physical threats
B. Facing moral dilemmas
C. Confronting and managing emotions
D. Avoiding emotional challenges

Question 10: (1 point) According to the teaching, what should failures be considered?

A. Setbacks
B. Opportunities to learn and grow
C. Avoidable consequences
D. Signs of weakness